Master Clinician Program in Implant Dentistry – Session 1

This year I have the opportunity to follow the famous Master Clinician Program in Implant Dentistry by Dr Sasha Jovanovic. This program is divided into 4 sessions of 4-5 days each.

Live surgery, courses, workshops, it was 4 very busy days!


gIDE Europe – 2015-2016

gIDE Europe – 2015-2016

Dr Sasha Jovanovic

Dr Sasha Jovanovic

Workshop classroom

Workshop classroom

Mon cochon et moi – My pig and me

Mon cochon et moi – My pig and me



Visit Venice

The first session of the Master Clinician Program in Implant Dentistry took place in Venice in Italia. It was my first time there! I stayed 5 days and the two first ones were so sunny that all my pictures are beautiful! The three others were froggy, the famous Venetian frog.

I recommend you:

– Danieli hotel: to sleep or just to have a drink;

– Il Riddotto Restaurant;

– Trattoria da Fiore Restaurant

–  Ai due Vescovi Restaurant

No time to visit any museums or churches…. Next time!




Gondoles et brouillard – Gondoles and fog

Gondoles et brouillard – Gondoles and fog

Près du Rialto – Close to Rialto

Près du Rialto – Close to Rialto


Servizio Gondola

Lever de soleil sur la lagune – Sunrise on lagoon

Lever de soleil sur la lagune – Sunrise on lagoon

Piazza San Marco

Piazza San Marco

Danieli Hotel

Danieli Hotel

Lagune vue du Danieli – Lagoon seen from the Danieli

Lagune vue du Danieli – Lagoon seen from the Danieli

Place Saint Marc – Piazza San Marco

Place Saint Marc – Piazza San Marco

Learning Medical Hypnosis

Learning Medical Hypnosis

To enlarge my practice, I decided to learn Medical Hypnosis. Nothing to do with Messmer shows!

The aim of that course cycle is to be able to take care of anxious patients without any sedative pills. The last step of that cycle is to avoid anesthetics during the dental treatment.

The first session was prommessfull, two more sessions to attend!


L’hypnose médicale est un état proche du rêve – Medical Hypnosis is a very close state to the dream

L’hypnose médicale est un état proche du rêve – Medical Hypnosis is a very close state to the dream